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アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ

カテゴリ | TVアニメ |
放送日 | 2015年1月9日~2015年4月11日 |
ハッシュタグ |
エピソード | 見た! | 評価 | 感想 |
第1話 Who is in the pumpkin carriage? | --- | --- | --- |
第2話 I never seen such a beautiful castle | --- | --- | --- |
第3話 A ball is resplendent, enjoyable, and... | --- | --- | --- |
第4話 Everyday life, really full of joy! | --- | --- | --- |
第5話 I don't want to become a wallflower | --- | --- | --- |
第6話 Finally, our day has come! | --- | --- | --- |
第7話 I wonder where I find the light I shine... | --- | --- | --- |
第8話 I want you to know my hidden heart. | --- | --- | --- |
第9話 “Sweet”is a magical word to make you happy! | --- | --- | 1件 |
第10話 Our world is full of joy!! | --- | --- | --- |
第11話 Can You hear my voice from the heart? | --- | --- | --- |
第12話 The magic needed for a flower to bloom. | --- | --- | --- |
第13話 It's about time to become Cinderella girls! | --- | --- | --- |
- アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ 第9話 (24:6) #1426217788 nico.ms/1426217788